COVID-19 Weekly Chart: July 25, 2022

To: All Residents
From: Mary Jo Crutcher, HFA, President and
Tony Elder, CDM, Food Service Director

RE: Windsor, Jewel Box and Cambridge Dining Rooms

Date: July 27, 2022

Due to issues related to COVID concerns, we are acting in a safe and
secure manner and taking extra precautions in regards to the Windsor,
Jewel Box and Cambridge Dining Rooms.

We began this process this past weekend of Residents receiving all of their
meals to go and will continue to monitor until further notice.

Please turn your menus in at the Hostess Station in the Windsor Dining
Room and pick up your carryout meal there beginning at 7:30 am for
Breakfast, 11:30 am for Lunch and 4:30 p.m. for Dinner. Please try to
stagger your times so everyone doesn’t come down all at once.

Due to the high COVID transmission levels in the state of Indiana and
Delaware County, all un-vaccinated Staff are mandated to test twice
weekly. Westminster Village COVID positivity rates are not on the rise,
however, Staff are acquiring it outside of Westminster, so we are taking
extra precautions to prevent any issues.

We will keep you informed of any further changes. We appreciate your
patience and cooperation during this time.

Thank you.

July 14, 2022

Dear Residents and Families:

If you are following the current COVID virus data trends, you are well aware that positivity
rates are ramping back up in Delaware County and the State.

Due to the increase, our employees will begin twice-weekly testing per regulation. All Visitors
must still complete a COVID Screening Form at the Front Desk upon entry into the building.

Masks are still required to be worn properly by visitors.

Residents, Family and Visitors, we encourage you to utilize infection control practices when
out and about in the building and during outings.

Safety of our Residents and Employees remains of the utmost concern to us as we are sure it
is to you. It is strongly recommended to:

Not visit if you have had any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 or have been
exposed to COVID;

  • Visitors must wear their masks properly over their mouth and nose
  • Everyone should be washing their hands often and/or using alcohol based
    hand sanitizerAlert your Nurse if you are ill
  • Test if you have signs or symptoms of COVID.

Many thanks to all of you for your patience, understanding and support during the continued
COVID journey over the past two and a half years—we have all done a great job. As
guidance continues to be updated, we will keep you posted. See

Just a reminder there will be a Staff & Resident Cookout from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday July
15 th in the Legacy Commons Event Hall—Residents please join us for hamburgers and hot
dogs and all the sides. Social Hours will also be on Friday, July 15 th from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in
the Event Hall.

Many Blessings to each of you!
From the Administration, Supervisors and Management Team

April 12, 2022

Dear Staff, Residents & Families:

We have had seven (7) new positive COVID-19 Resident cases to report and three (3) new positive Staff.

Per regulations and guidelines from CDC, CMS and the Indiana Department of Health, we will be completing “outbreak testing”, meaning all Staff and Residents, whether vaccinated or not, will be COVID-19 tested this week and every four days for the next 14 days until all tests are negative.  Resident testing will begin immediately.  All Staff whether vaccinated or not must be tested today beginning at 1 p.m. in the Physician’s Office to 6 p.m. and again on Friday, April 15th from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Due to outbreak testing, the following guidelines must be put in place:

  • All Staff working in the Health Center must wear an N95 mask and face shields/goggles.
  • Abbey Court in the Health Center is considered a Yellow and Red Zone.
  • Abbey Court will begin negative air pressure to further increase the effectiveness of the Bi-Polar Ionization system already in place in the Health Center.
  • It is highly encouraged that all Residents social distance appropriately and wear your face coverings properly and wash your hands frequently.
  • Visitation will continue but please mask appropriately and wash your hands frequently.


We continue to be hands on daily in communicating with the Indiana Department of Health, our ISDH Area Supervisor, the ISDH Infection Control Preventionist and the Delaware County Health Department.  We continue to follow the proper protocol per our Infection Control guidelines.

Please continue to send positive thoughts and prayers as they are greatly appreciated at this time.  Please check our website at


The Administration, Supervisors and Management Staff


March 14, 2022

Dear Residents, Families and Employees:

If you are following the current COVID virus data trends, you are well aware that positivity rates continue to decrease! Our county positivity rate is currently at 5.28%. At Westminster Village 99% of Residents are vaccinated, and 72% of Employees are vaccinated.

Effective today, per new regulations, there are new revised COVID Long-Term Care Visitor and Staff Screening Forms that are required to be completed before entering. Forms for Visitors are located at the Front Entrance and after completing take to the Front Desk to receive your Screening Wellness Sticker-temperatures are not currently required for Visitors. Staff will complete the new screening form in the screening room as before and take their own temperature and record on the form. Masks are still required for all.

Safety of our Residents and Employees remains of the utmost concern to us as we are sure it is to you. It is strongly recommended to:

Not visit or report to work with any signs or symptoms of COVID-19;
Wear your mask properly over your mouth and nose; and
Wash your hands often,

Many thanks to all of you for your patience, understanding and support during the COVID journey the past two years. As guidance continues to be updated, we will keep you posted. See

Also, on Tuesday, March 15th, Westminster Village Residents and Staff will be participating in the statewide Tornado Drill at approximately 10:00 a.m. along with a Community wide Gas Leak Drill with the Gaston Fire Department and Gaston EMS. Staff and Residents please listen to the all page intercom announcements for the Mock Drill instructions and follow your emergency procedures.

Many Blessings to each of you!

From the Administration, Supervisors and Management Team




February 1, 2022

Dear Westminster Village Staff, Residents and Families,

Welcome to the month of February 2022. This is a very special month of sharing love, kindness and general caring about others.

Our very special Westminster Team have been working together to prepare for a Winter Storm Wonderland. All departments are preparing ahead of the storm warning to provide safety and security for all. So we want to express our gratefulness and thankfulness to each of you.

Many staff members are making plans to stay at Westminster during the next few days in a great effort to make certain resident cares and needs are met.

Due to the anticipated weather conditions, the Beauty Salons will be closed on Thursday and Friday this week. There will be no Transportation on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, February 4 th , Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner will be served as carry out/to-go meals during regular meal times.

Once again we extend our Thank You to all and ask that as we go through the next few days you send positive thoughts, say prayers or simply voice your appreciation for our amazing staff. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation during this time.

Many Blessings with great appreciation.

Mary Jo Crutcher, Dustin R. Jones, and the Supervisor Team

January 21, 2022

Dear Westminster Village Residents and Families:

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a focus in all of our daily lives. We currently have had 107 Employees test positive since March 2020 and have been required to be off work for 10 days per guidelines. We are thankful that each has been able to recover. We are also very thankful and grateful that all staff have pulled together as a team taking on extra responsibilities to cover for their co-worker while they were recuperating from COVID to ensure that all Residents are taken care of daily. We ask that you please be patient as staff are off recuperating—many departments are working with reduced staffing and are working other departments or areas that they may not be familiar with.

The COVID Positivity Rate in our state and county is still extremely high—31.24%. The new Omicron variant is highly contagious. Please make sure you are wearing your mask properly and washing your hands.

99% of the Residents are vaccinated and 69% of the Employees are vaccinated with an additional 56 employees choosing a medical or religious exemption and getting tested twice weekly.

If an employee becomes positive and has had direct contact with a Resident, we begin “outbreak testing” and test the Resident or department twice in fourteen days. We currently do not have any Resident COVID positive cases.

We are following all Indiana State Department of Health guidelines for infection control and keep in contact with them on a regular basis to stay in full compliance and provide the very best safe care we possibly can.

Thank you for your understanding, patience, thoughts, prayers and anticipated kindness of sharing your appreciation and compliments as our staff work to provide care and services.

Many Blessings with great appreciation.

Mary Jo Crutcher, Dustin R. Jones, and the Supervisor Team




Dear Westminster Village Staff, Residents and Families,

Throughout this holiday season, and as we move into a new year, we wish you the Spirit of Christmas which is Peace, the Blessing of Christmas which is Hope and the Heart of Christmas which is Love. May you enjoy moments of peace amid the difficulties, connections with family and friends and the warmth of memories from holidays past, and wonderful glimpses of the joy and hope.

In the true spirit of the season, we would like to invite all of the Residents and their Essential Caregivers to the Christmas Eve Services at Westminster Village at 6:30 p.m. in the Legacy Commons Event Hall.
At this time we are so honored and blessed by your faith, support and kindness that you have shown Westminster Village for the year and this journey of 2021.




Mary Jo Crutcher, Supervisors and the Management Team










November 22, 2021

Dear Westminster Village Residents and Families:

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a focus in all of our daily lives. As you know from our postings, this virus continues to affect some of our residents and staff. We are thankful that each individual has been able to recover. However, the COVID Positivity Rate in our state and county is still high. During this pandemic we have encouraged everyone to:

* Properly wear your mask over your nose and mouth
*  Practice proper hand hygiene
* Maintain social distance of at least 6 feet
* Notify a nurse or doctor if you are not feeling well

Per Federal and State guidelines, Visitation is now open and allowed for all Residents with no limits on frequency and length of visits or limitations on number of visitors at all times. Visitors must visit in the Resident room only and continue to wear a mask, wash your hands and complete a health screening at the Front Desk. Please do not visit if you have been exposed to COVID-19 or are feeling ill.

We are so very thankful that you have chosen to share your life’s journey with Westminster Village.  As we enter into this holiday season with grateful hearts, it is so important that we remember those Staff members who give so generously of their talents, care and love for humanity and the Residents we serve.

This is a season of reflection of the challenges and joys we have experienced as well as the blessings that are yet to be discovered. On behalf of our Administration and Supervisory Team, thank you for celebrating the peaceful warm, happy feelings of this beautiful season of thankfulness. We wish you a
Safe and Blessed Thanksgiving!

Mary Jo Crutcher, Dustin R. Jones, and the Supervisor Team



September 15, 2021

Dear Westminster Village Residents, Families and Staff,

Due to the Delaware County COVID Positivity rate increasing to nearly 16%, the following recommendations and guidelines will become effective on Thursday, 9-16-2021, in an effort to protect each Resident entrusted to our care and our loyal Staff.

Visitation Hours

  • Recommended Visitation will be: 8:00 am to 11:00 am, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm seven days a week.  However, other times will be accommodated as needed.
  • All visitors must enter through the Main entrance and be screened and receive a wellness sticker.
  • We ask that you not visit if you have any signs or symptoms of illness, or have had contact with anyone that is ill.
  • All visitors over the age of two and the Resident must properly wear a mask covering your mouth and nose at all times during the visit. We do ask that visitors bring your own mask.
  • All visitors must maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet during the visit.
  • All visitors must hand wash or utilize alcohol-based hand rub upon visit.
  • All visits must be in the resident’s apartment or room only. No common areas.
  • Traveling throughout the building must be directly from the main entrance to the resident’s apartment or room. We ask that you maintain to the right of the hallways when entering and exiting the building.
  • All visitors must utilize the main elevators during visitation times. We ask that residents and staff, if able, use alternate elevators during visitation times.
  • Window visits and outdoor visitations are still available and recommended.
  • This does not apply for Compassionate Care visits or for the Essential Care Givers.

Dining Rooms

  • Dining Room seating will be set to accommodate social distancing while eating as recommended by the CMS guidelines.
  • Couples residing in the same apartment may sit together.
  • The dining rooms will be environmentally cleaned before and after meal service.
  • Hand sanitizing stations will be placed at the entrance to each dining room. Please sanitize your hands upon entering and exiting the dining room.
  • Masks will be required to be worn while not eating, i.e. upon entering and exiting the dining room.


  • All Activities require everyone to properly wear a mask, hand sanitize before and after each event or activity and socially distance 6 feet apart.
  • The Fitness Center and Therapy Gym, including group and individual exercise will require everyone to properly wear a mask and socially distance 6 feet apart.
  • Indoor singing or shouting should be avoided.
  • Bus excursions to the Civic or other events are still permissible, however masks will be required to be worn properly and sanitize your hands upon returning.
  • If Residents choose to play cards or games with others in close contact (less than 6 feet apart) please understand the increased risk of getting COVID you are incurring. Please wear your mask properly and use proper hand hygiene.

Common Areas Including Lounges and Hallways

  • All Residents, Visitors and Staff must properly wear a mask at all times while in common areas.

Beauty Salon

  • It is recommended to only have one (1) Resident at a time. All must properly wear a mask.  Social distance in the Salon if more than one Resident is present.

Transportation and Medical Appointments

  • Please wear a mask to and from each appointment and use hand sanitizer upon return.

 Excursions Greater than 24 hours

  • Please take proper precautions while away—masking, hand sanitizing and socially distancing.
  • Upon return, Residents will need to be screened at the Front Desk with temperature taken.
  • Residents will need to self-monitor for symptoms of illness and alert Nursing as needed.

Village Meeting Room

  • Due to the limited space in the Village Meeting Room, at the present time social gatherings for meetings or parties are not recommended due to CDC’s Core Principles of Infection Control.


Essential Family Caregivers

  • We encourage Residents to complete their applications for this program. Contact Marketing or Social Services with questions about the Essential Caregiver Program.
  • Un-Vaccinated approved Essential Family Caregivers currently are required to COVID test twice weekly.
  • Must screen upon entry and wear the wellness sticker, wear a mask and your badge while in the building.
  • Essential Family Caregivers are not permitted to eat in the Dining Rooms but can assist or provide support for their family member/Resident.

As always, our goal is to serve and protect the Residents and Staff.  Please note that we may cease visitation if a new facility-onset COVID-19 positive Resident or Staff case is confirmed.  Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

The Administration, Supervisors and Managers


September 9, 2021

Dear Residents, Families and Employees:

If you are following the current COVID virus data trends, you are well aware that positivity rates continue to climb at a rapid pace.  Our county positivity rate has more than doubled in the last 30 days—today the CDC reports over a 15% County Positivity Rate.  Data also indicates that only about 47% of Delaware County residents are fully vaccinated.  At Westminster Village 98% of Residents are vaccinated, and 55% of Employees are vaccinated.

This is an alert to everyone that we still need to protect ourselves at all times from this COVID virus.  From a safety standpoint please be aware that for many of us, our first vaccine was administered back in January – eight months ago.  Vaccination does not 100% guarantee immunity from COVID and that over time the vaccine will actually wane in its effectiveness.  We are aware of several individuals that had previously received their vaccine, have now tested positive for the virus.  Do not allow the fact that you may have been vaccinated to give you a false sense of immunity from this dreaded virus.  We still have to do all we can to protect ourselves and those around us.

We do strongly encourage all residents, employees and visitors to be fully vaccinated as soon as possible.  Evidence shows that this still is the best way to protect yourself from being seriously ill and needing hospitalization if you are infected by COVID.

Safety of our residents, families and employees remains of the utmost concern to us as we are sure it is to you. It is strongly recommended to:

  • Wear your mask properly over your mouth and nose
  • Wash your hands often
  • Distance from others appropriately at least 6 feet apart

We have been informed by the Indiana Department of Health that new guidance will be issued soon.  We will provide you with an update as soon as we review and understand the requirements of this guidance.

Boosters of the vaccines are expected to be available by the end of September.  We anticipate that we will host a booster vaccine clinic at Westminster Village for all residents and employees.

Many thanks to all of you for your patience, understanding and support during this most unusual time in our lives.

From the Administration, Supervisors and Management Team



August 12, 2021

Dear Westminster Village Residents and Families,

In the past four weeks, Indiana has seen a significant increase in COVID-19 cases fueled by the Delta variant, which spreads equal to or more than twice as easily from one person to another compared with earlier strains. There has been a 112% increase in positive COVID-19 cases this week. As of today, the Delaware County positivity rate is 8.75% per the CDC website.

The new guidelines from the Indiana Department of Health are as follows that will directly impact all Residents, Staff, and Visitors:

• Masks are mandatory for everyone in all areas of Westminster Village whether you are COVID Vaccinated or not when the positivity rates are over 5%. Visitors, please bring your own mask if possible.

• Indoor singing activities are now prohibited. Music is allowed, with no singing. No visitors will be permitted at any activities at this time.

• Please do not visit if you are ill, show any signs and symptoms of COVID-19, or have been exposed to anyone that’s been ill.

• Residents and Staff should properly wear a mask over their mouth and nose in public indoor settings and while attending any community events not at Westminster Village (i.e. church, excursions, restaurants, grocery stores, etc.) when the positivity rates are over 5%.

• Everyone must continue to be diligent in washing their hands often and social distancing as appropriate.

Our goal is to continue to do our very best to keep our Residents and Staff safe all while following all of the guidelines for long-term care from the CDC and the Indiana Department of Health. Thank you for your cooperation. See for further updates.

Administration, Supervisors, and the Management Team



July 30, 2021

Dear Westminster Village Residents and Families,

We are expecting new guidelines from the Indiana Department of Health next week based on an increase in positive COVID-19 cases due to the Delta variant. On June 28th the Delaware County positivity rate was 2.4% and as of July 29th it is now 7.9%.

To update you on some upcoming changes and guidelines from the Indiana Department of Health in our continuing efforts to help protect Residents and Staff from this virus, the following guidelines are highly encouraged with more information to follow next week:

• Mask use is highly recommended for all Visitors in all areas of Westminster Village whether you are COVID Vaccinated or not even while visiting in a Resident’s Room. Please bring your own mask if possible.

• Please do not visit if you are ill, show any signs and symptoms of COVID-19 or have been exposed to anyone that’s been ill.

• Residents are encouraged and we recommend that masks are worn whether you are COVID Vaccinated or not.

• Residents and Staff are also highly encouraged to wear a mask while attending any community events or indoor venues not at Westminster Village (i.e. church, excursions, restaurants, grocery stores, etc.).

• Everyone must continue to be cautious, wear your mask over your mouth and nose, wash your hands often and social distance as appropriate.

Our goal is to continue to do our very best to keep our Residents and Staff safe all while following all of the guidelines for long term care from the CDC and the Indiana Department of Health. Thank you for your cooperation. See for further updates.

Administration, Supervisors and the Management Team


July 23, 2021


Dear Westminster Village Residents and Families,

Coronavirus infections are on the rise again in the United States, especially the Delta Variant.

To update you on our continuing efforts to help protect the Residents and Staff from this virus, the following guidelines are still in place:

• Un-vaccinated Staff are still required per regulations to COVID test weekly.

• All Staff are still required per regulations to complete a health screening with temperature checks daily. All Visitors are still required to complete a health screening daily.

• We are highly recommending that all Staff be vaccinated. A financial incentive is in place to reach a 65% or greater vaccination goal by 9-30-2021. Staff COVID-19 vaccination rate is 50% and Residents are 98%.

• All Staff are still required per regulations to wear a mask while on duty.

• All Residents and Visitors must continue to wear a mask in common areas and

• Everyone must continue to be cautious and mask up in large indoor venues,
socially distancing and continuing to wash your hands diligently.

• High traffic areas are environmentally cleaned more frequently throughout the day following the proper protocol per our Infection Control guidelines.

Thank you for your cooperation to ensure that Westminster Village is a safe place to work and for the Residents to call home. See for further updates.

Administration, Supervisors and the Management Team

June 30, 2021

Dear Residents, Staff, Families and Visitors:

The Indiana Department of Health (IDOH) has released new guidance regarding the Health Screening/Temperature Taking process, Beauty Salons, Entertainment with Singing and Masks.

  1. Health Screening/Temperature Taking Process:
    • Vaccinated Residents: Do not need to be screened with temperatures daily unless they are exhibiting signs and symptoms of COVID-19 then it is required three (3) times per day assessment for COVID-19.  Residents also do not need to be re-screened if you have the left Westminster Village property and returned the same day.
    • Un-Vaccinated Residents: Will require once daily assessments for COVID-19.
    • All Employees: Will need to complete the Health Screening Form with Temperature checks upon arrival to work.  Staff does not need to be re-screened if you have the left the Westminster property and returned the same day.
    • Visitors: Will need to complete the Health Screening Form and receive a wellness sticker but temperature checks are not required.  Re-entering the facility within the same calendar day does not require you to be re-screened.
  1. Beauty Salons – the Westminster Village Beauty Salons are now permitted to have two or more Vaccinated Residents at a time but masks are still recommended.
  1. Entertainment with Singing – IDOH is now permitting singing entertainment, however, everyone must wear a mask including the entertainment due to the risk of droplets in the air.
  1. Eye Protection – Fully Vaccinated Staff may choose to not wear eye protection in green/yellow zones irrespective of the county positivity rate.  Employees must wear eye protection when assisting any symptomatic or positive COVID-19 Residents in the red/yellow zone.
  1. Masks – Fully Vaccinated Staff can unmask during one-on-one Resident care with fully vaccinated Residents unless undergoing aerosol generating procedures.  Masks must be kept on if visitors are present or if other un-vaccinated Staff enter the room. Masks must still be worn at all times by Residents, Staff and Visitors in hallways and common areas.   
  2. Water Fountains and Hydration Stations – Are now permitted.
  3.  Guest Meals – Are now permitted for carryout only. Regular guest meal pricing applies.
  4. Overnight Guests – Are now permitted to stay in the Resident’s apartment per the policy of up to 14 consecutive days.

As always, our goal is to protect the residents and staff from this virus.  These guidelines are in place to protect each resident entrusted to our care.  We anticipate everyone’s patience, cooperation and respect as we continue our Back on Track guidance.  Please see for more information.

We wish you a sparkling 4th of July weekend filled with pride and honor.  Please stay safe and  God Bless America!

Administration, Supervisors and the Management Team

June 15, 2021

Dear Westminster Village Residents, Families and Staff,

Wonderful News! The CDC and Indiana Department of Health have updated their guidance on Dining Rooms and Group Activities for COVID-19 Vaccinated Residents. The following will be Westminster Village’s guidelines:

DINING: Dining rooms in Residential and Assisted Living will open back up to normal meal times-no social distancing required for all Vaccinated Residents during meal times beginning today at lunch. All Residents must still wear masks to and from the Dining Room and in common areas and can remove them once you are seated. No Guests in the Dining Room or Guest Meals will be permitted at this time.

ACTIVITIES: In-house Group activities will resume this week with no social distancing required for all Vaccinated Residents. No visitors during activities will be permitted at this time. The first big event planned is BINGO on Wednesday, June 23rd at 2:00 p.m. Please see your weekly Activity Calendar and listen for announcements for other dates and times of activities. Group Outings will be only for select ticketed events and the outside 4th of July Fireworks at Minnetrista. Please see the sign-up sheets in the Transportation office for more information. We will notify you in advance if an event will require you to wear a mask.

Un-Vaccinated Residents are still required to wear a mask at all times when not in your apartment and social distance at least six feet from others when in common areas, the dining room or when attending activities.

Thank you again for your continued support and cooperation as we get back to a new normal.

Administration, Supervisors and the Management Team


June 10, 2021

Dear Residents, Families and Employees:

Great News! Beginning immediately, Indoor Visitation hours will be increased under Indiana Department of Health guidelines. Westminster Village has set forth the following guidelines:

• Visitation will be held at any time – there are no scheduled hours any longer.
• Residents may have any number of visitors at a time – there are no limits on visitors any longer.
• Lengths of visits are no longer limited.
• Visits are allowed in the Green Zone areas only. No visits in the Red or Yellow Zone on CooperVista will be permitted.
• All visitors must continue to enter through the Main entrance and complete a health screening form and get your temperature checked. We ask that you not visit if you have any signs or symptoms of illness, or have had contact with anyone that is ill. Visitation may be declined if it is observed that the visitation could pose an infection control threat to the community.
• All visitors over the age of two must properly wear a mask in common areas at all times during the visit. We do ask that visitors bring your own mask.
• All visitors must hand wash or utilize alcohol-based hand rub upon visit.
• All visits must be in the resident’s apartment or room only. No common areas.
• At this time, Activities and Dining services are limited to Residents only. Future information will be forthcoming.
Please see the attached Indiana Department of Health Visitation Guidelines for Long Term Care Facilities handout.
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation as we transition back to re-opening and a new normal. It is our continued goal to serve and protect the residents and staff. Visit for further updates as needed.

The Administration, Supervisors and Management Staff


May 28, 2021

Dear Westminster Village Residents, Families and Staff,

We want to take this opportunity to share that for the last several weeks our Dietary team has been designing a re-opening strategy to welcome residents back into the Dining Rooms for Dinner.  Please know that our priority continues to be the safety of residents and employees so we are taking a cautious approach. Our re-opening plans are consistent with the guidelines established by CDC, CMS and ISDH.

Opening the Residential and Assisted Living Dining Rooms is one step on our journey to move toward a new normal.  Breakfast and Lunch in the Dining Rooms have been going well for the past several months.  On June 2nd, Dinner will begin in the Dining Rooms as follows: (it is also Birthday Dinner)

  • Windsor and Jewel Box Dining Rooms –

  1st Seating at 4:30 pm and 2nd Seating at 6:00 p.m.

  • Assisted Living and Essex Dinner in the Dining Rooms at 4:30 p.m.
  • Health Center Dining rooms will begin at a later date

It is important that we highlight three things about this reopening:

  1. Changes to Dining Spaces
  • Limited capacity in order to properly social distance.
  • Spacing of tables and chairs so proper social distancing can be practiced. No one is to be seated closer than six feet apart. The only exception will be for couples who reside in the same apartment.
  • Placemats will be used, but no tablecloths.
  • Items will not be shared such as salt & pepper shakers.
  • Residents who are on a one meal a day plan may add additional meals, however no guest meals will be permitted at this time.
  1. Increased Sanitation and Safety

The Dietary team has always been mindful about cleaning, however, COVID-19 has forced many to implement new practices and more frequent cleaning.

  • The dining rooms will be environmentally cleaned before, during and after each meal service.
  • Hand sanitizing stations will be placed at the entrance to each dining room.
  • Masks will be required to be worn while not eating, i.e. upon entering and exiting the dining room.
  • Resident temperature and symptoms screening will continue prior to entering the Dining Room.
  • Dietary staff will be required to wear a mask and eye protection during the meal service.
  • A weekly menu packet will continue to be provided and you are encouraged to bring down the completed menu to the dining room. Additional menus may be picked up at the hostess podium if needed.
  1. Flexibility

The meal carryout will continue to be available to those who still wish to eat in their apartment.  You may pick up your carryout meal at the hostess podium in the Windsor Dining Room beginning at 8:00 am for Breakfast, 12:00 pm for

Lunch and 5:00 p.m. for Dinner.

Small group activities, such as exercise and the Next-to-New Shoppe will also continue per the schedule.

Everyone at Westminster Village extends their gratitude for your support and understanding in following all guidelines as we thoughtfully approach the re-opening of our dining venues.

Have a safe Memorial Day weekend as it is the day to remember with gratitude and pride all those who served and died for our country and freedom.  May your day be filled with memories and peace.  God Bless America!

Administration, Supervisors and the Management Team



June 1st, 2021

If COVID-19 Vaccinated you:

  • May remove your mask when in the Resident’s room or apartment if the Resident is fully vaccinated.
  • May have close contact if Resident is fully vaccinated.
  • Need to be screened when entering the building and if you have left the premises.
  • Need to social distance from others when in halls and common areas.
  • Need to wear a mask in hallways and common areas of Westminster Village.
  • Must continue to wash your hands frequently.
  • Should be commended for doing your part in protecting your loved ones and getting back to a new normal. Thank you!

If Un-Vaccinated you:

  • Need to be screened when entering the building and if you have left the premises.
  • Must wear a mask at all times while at Westminster Village, especially in Resident’s room or apartment.
  • Need to social distance from others at all times.
  • Must continue to wash your hands frequently.
  • Still can get vaccinated soon at any walk in clinic to help protect your loved ones and the Residents we serve to help get back to a new normal.