Get Your Independence Back in Assisted Living

As the Marketing Director for a Continuing Care Retirement Community, one of the comments I hear frequently is, “My mother wants to stay in her home because she doesn’t want to lose her independence.” As we continue to talk I find out that the daughter is doing all of her mother’s shopping and errands, and takes her to all of her medical appointments. Her son comes by every week to check on things around the house and do simple maintenance. Another daughter who lives in a nearby community comes a couple times a month to do laundry and heavy cleaning. The two kids who live out of state take vacation time whenever possible to come and help out. Friends from church pick her up for special events. The boy down the street does the mowing and the yard work, and the neighbor next door takes the garbage can in and out on trash day. Meals-on-Wheels delivers, the phone numbers of a plumber and several people who might be available to shovel snow are next to the phone. But “Mom is still living independently in her own home.”

Does this sound familiar? If it does, then you need to start investigating retirement communities. Assisted Living doesn’t have to mean an end to independence. Instead, it often means a return of independence and continuation of the full life led before.

If you think the time is right for you or a loved one to consider Assisted Living, start looking right now. When you add up the cost of everything involved in Staying Independent, you may find that a retirement community is an economical way to Get Your Independence Back!

By Judi Harris